Assessing the Impact of Mimosa pigra – Derived Bio-Fertilizer on Selected Growth and Yield Parameters in MI-2 Chili (Capsicum annum)
This study was investigated the effect of Mimosa pigra (MP) based fertilizer on the selected growth and yield parameters of MI-2 chili. This organic fertilizer was produced by cutting Mimosa pigra into smaller pieces during its vegetative stage and kept them into separate pits for six months until they decompose. The manure produced from the decomposed of MP was extracted from the pit, and used to form several distinct piles with specific compositions. One treatment was produced by incorporating with MP. Another treatment was consisted by incorporating with MP and CaCO3 (MPC). The third treatment was made by combining with MP and Inorganic fertilizer (MPIF). A negative control treatment was prepared for comparison and each mixture consisted of combination of garden soil, goat manure and sand in a 2:2:1 ratio. ANOVA test and Duncan’s multiple range analysis were exploited using Minitab 17 software at 95% confidential interval. According to the findings, crops treated with MP showed a significantly high mean number of branches (23.89) , mean number of pods (10.17) , mean number of harvested pods (4.62), high mean weight of pods (8.28 g), pods length (4.38 cm), diameter of pods (0.8540 cm), and the number of seeds per pod (38.00), but there was no significant difference in the height of the plants (P=0.694) and mean number of flowers (P=0.48) which were treated with MP. In conclusion, the MP derived fertilizer has the potential to promote more sustainable and environmentally- friendly agricultural practices in Sri Lanka by providing a practical solution for managing and controlling invasive plant species through their effective utilization as a valuable resource for producing an alternative to traditional fertilizer.
Keywords: Mimosa pigra, Organic fertilizer, Vegetative stage